Friday, April 1, 2011

Just when I didn't think it could get any better…

Wed night Gathering
It's been quite a while since our beginnings back in Oct of 2010! Quite a few times, I wondered if AP (Actors' Playground) would pick up or if it was doomed to fail. There were a lot of mistakes and a few missteps, several times made out of fear. Amazing how persistence can finally pay off. Now I have 2 dates a week that I look forward to with great relish!!

Thur aft Gathering
I have to say, it makes such a difference in helping to evolve and strengthen my craft. I discussed this with some of the other members. We now find ourselves practicing every day because there is something to look forward to. And the creative risks some of us take! It's like we've finally been given permission to do so because we can actually practice these risks with our peers. I remarked how this in turn has built up my confidence to such a point that I don't feel nervous before going up to play anymore but rather, excited!! Even if it's a cold read. And let me tell you, this has been especially helpful before my last couple of auditions and my last couple of live performances. Now the only time I feel the shakes is when I'm in the middle of a emotionally charged scene and they are part of it rather than a distraction from it.

And at these Gatherings, I'm playing with brave people and we're having the times of our lives. I just can't believe it took me 20 years to form a group like this.

To learn more about AP, please go to To see more photos (with descriptions) of what's been happening, click the Photos tab/link near the top of the same web-page.

Play hard and be happy!

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